We all need teammates in the game of life!

Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing,
but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Hebrews 10:24-25

God designed us for community!
The over-arching truth of the Bible is
that God wants to do life with us, His finest creation.
Jesus has restored for us a relationship with God that our sin destroyed.
We exist now to follow Jesus with an every day faith.
We were not meant to do this on our own.

Watch This Video to Hear More and Get "The Basics" for Leading a Huddle!

NewThing Huddles are where we "spur" and "encourage" each other in our every day faith journey.
This happens in a way that is UP-IN-OUT!
  • We are equipped and supported to live in daily rhythm with Jesus. (UP)
  • We do life together and share our joys and challenges. (IN)
  • We pray for each other and spur one another on to take what we've received and learned from Jesus and live it out! (OUT)
Here are more details!
  • Huddles of 3-6 people typically meet weekly (or bi-weekly) for Bible study and an intentional commitment on focused spiritual transformation.
  • A Huddle is a safe place to be known by others in such a way that you can be honest with joys and struggles, questions and doubts, confess sin, speak the truth of the Gospel to one another, be planted in God's Word, sharpen one another, and point each other continually to Jesus!
  • Our expectation is that God will grow you in several different areas while you meet in a Huddle.
    • Bible Reading/Journaling (using SOAP method)
    • Scripture Memorization
    • Accountability
    • Prayer
    • We are "Blessed to B.L.E.S.S."
  • Commitment
    • Meet weekly/bi-weekly as a Huddle (45-60 minutes - could be more if food is involved which is always encouraged!). When unable to gather, stay involved through SOAP journals and prayer requests. Huddles meet over a period of 8-12 weeks.
    • Live out the five weekly disciplines (Bible Reading/Journaling, Scripture Memorization, Accountability, Prayer, B.L.E.S.S.)
    • Be an active contributor to a group atmosphere of spiritual learning/transformation, confidentiality, honesty, and vulnerability.
    • Pray weekly for fellow Huddle participants and be thinking of those in your life who you could invite into a future Huddle!

Sign up for a NewThing Huddle

Huddles help people grow in their faith and build community. They are simple gatherings with honest conversation, guided discussion, and the study of God's Word. Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, Huddles are a safe place to be known and be encouraged to grow!

We'd love to get you connected in a Huddle. Fill out the form below to get started.

Fall Huddles will start on Sunday, September 22 and wrap up before Thanksgiving.