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NewThing Update

Feb 14, 2025

Worship Gathering with Holy Communion

Sunday, February 16

“Wholly Yours” series continues...

This Sunday's Message: Measure of Maturity

Scripture Readings:

Psalm 103:1-13

Romans 13:8-12

John 13:33-35

Have your Bible with you and be ready to dive into God’s Word.

A new study with daily devotions begins this coming week - the week of February 16.

Grab a book this Sunday!

Huddles begin on Sunday, February 23.

Soup Drive for "The Haven"

Bring in soup cans or give online between now and March 2 - date extended!

Our next mentoring date with 7th graders at Concordia Prep is Friday, February 21!

Thank you, Lord, for the 10 mentors investing time with these students!