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Abraham Part 2
Take time to think about what you are learning about
God, His Story, and your life through this week's lesson.
First Name
Last Name
Capturing the Truth
What was your biggest takeaway from this lesson?
Use this space to include any other comments or questions you may have in light of this week's study.
Family Chat
Take a few moments, as a family, and review the lesson.
Read Isaiah 9:2-7 and 1 Peter 1:18-21
Do you know when we often read the passage from Isaiah in worship services? Why do you think we do that?
Have you ever tried to be perfect or tried to do something perfectly? Discuss a time where you tried this and what the outcome was.
As we read in 1 Peter, we are ransomed from our imperfect ways through Jesus. Share how knowing this changes how you perceive the world around you.
Read, "What Does It Mean to Have Faith in God?". How has God shown "evidence" of who He is to your family? How has this impacted your faith?
God always remembers us, even when we don't remember Him. Pray together, thanking God for providing all your needs and for paying the price for your sins on the cross through Jesus.
Daily Spiritual Rhythms Challenge
Serving in Secret
Pick one person in your family and seek to do something special to serve them (without them asking and without them knowing). Describe what you did and how it feels to simply serve someone else without expecting anything in return. How can you build this rhythm of serving others into your daily routine?
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