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Take time to think about what you are learning about
God, His Story, and your life through this week's lesson.
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Capturing the Truth
What was your biggest takeaway from this lesson?
Use this space to include any other comments or questions you may have in light of this week's study.
Family Chat
Review the story of Noah as a family.
The story of Noah is not a happy children's story like it is often remembered. We see God's wrath for the people He created. We also learn a lot about God through this story. What character qualities do we learn about God through His interactions with Noah?
We learn that God is ultimately in control of everything on this earth. How does that make you feel?
Daily Spiritual Rhythms Challenge
The story of Noah may be a serious story; however, we see God's grace and mercy throughout Noah's life. As we look at our own lives, we can be thankful that we have a grace-filled God, who loves His people. Consider God's radical love for you right now and write a prayer of thanks and then read it out loud to Him!
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