Faith Foundations
Job (OT20)

Take time to think about what you are learning about
God, His Story, and your life through this week's lesson.

Capturing the Truth

Family Chat

It is VERY likely that you will never experience suffering like Job did. But you WILL experience suffering at some point during your life. We need to take this Old Testament book of Job and put it to good use in our life. In the New Testament, James summarizes what a believer’s theology of suffering should be. Turn to James 1:2-4
Facing trials can be hard. Usually it’s because we find ourselves asking “why?” Like Job, we wonder why things have happened to us. You see, suffering is not fun, and it’s not easy, but it is often very productive. Despite the pain we feel, God can often use it for good. There are countless examples of this throughout scripture (Joseph, Jonah, Hosea, etc.). So it’s time to ask ourselves some really tough questions.

Daily Spiritual Rhythms Challenge

Our God never changes, but the seasons are always changing around us. Think about the season of spring that is upon us. The daylight gets longer. New life emerges! Flowers start to bloom. Grass comes alive again. We experience some warmer temperatures.
Our God never changes, but the seasons are always changing around us. Think about the season of spring that is upon us. The daylight gets longer. New life emerges! Flowers start to bloom. Grass comes alive again. We experience some warmer temperatures.