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Take time to think about what you are learning about
God, His Story, and your life through this week's lesson.
First Name
Last Name
Capturing the Truth
What are the six parts of the Old Testament cycle?
Name one way that Gideon tested God. (See Judges 6)
What was your biggest takeaway from this lesson?
Use this space to include any other comments or questions you may have in light of this week's study.
Family Chat
Review the lesson with your family. Share the 6 parts of the Old Testament cycle. How do they see this cycle in their life and in our world today?
Share insights learned here.
Read Ephesians 2:1-10. Have each person talk about what stands out in this passage about our human condition and the cycle of sin. What is most meaningful about God's radical love and grace?
Daily Spiritual Rhythms Challenge
Taking time each day to acknowledge our sins before the Lord helps us live in dependence on Him and experience His gifts of grace and forgiveness. When we experience forgiveness from God our relationship is restored and strengthened!
Take time to read Psalm 51. Underline key words or phrases. Think about the ways that you have sinned before God and others in the last couple of days. Pray this psalm back to the Lord, putting into your own words some of the words and phrases you have underlined. Write what you felt was the most meaningful phrase or verse of this psalm in the space below.
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