Faith Foundations
Joshua (OT13)

Take time to think about what you are learning about
God, His Story, and your life through this week's lesson.

Capturing the Truth

Family Chat

God uses many different kinds of people to work out His plans. He uses men and women, Israelites and Gentiles. Even in the Old Testament, when it seems that God was exclusive to His chosen people, God used others in His plan.
Open your Bible to Matthew 1. Read through the Genealogy of Jesus (it’s a lot of names), but look for a name that seems familiar from this lesson. (Hint: It’s the answer to one of the questions in the above section). Who is it?

Daily Spiritual Rhythms Challenge

Often times we pray when we need something, when we are thankful, or when we know we have done wrong and are compelled to ask for forgiveness. But a key aspect of our relationship with God should be adoration - praising Him for who He is!