Faith Foundations
Moses Part 3 

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Take time to think about what you are learning about
God, His Story, and your life through this week's lesson.

Capturing the Truth

Family Chat

Take a few moments, as a family, and review the lesson. While the Israelites were wandering in the desert between their departure from Egypt and their arrival in the promised land, they had trouble trusting God. They struggled to trust Him to meet their basic needs despite being physically lead by Him. Each time they complained, God showed his might and provision in different ways. In one case, he allowed them to feel panic and fear by sending the serpents, but he provided healing for those who trusted him by instructing Moses to lift up the serpent.
Now read John 3:14-16. Just as Moses lifted the serpent up on a cross, Jesus was lifted up to save us all so that all who believe may have life. God gives life to each of us, even in our doubts and fears as our eyes are turned to the cross where He offers forgiveness.

Daily Spiritual Rhythms Challenge

Worship at the End of Your Day
Pick a worship song to listen to as you get ready for bed or even better, as a song you listen to after you lay down and close your eyes to sleep. Try and listen carefully to the words. What is a truth about God that He wants you to hear and hold onto as you rest?