Faith Foundations
Moses Part 2 

Take time to think about what you are learning about
God, His Story, and your life through this week's lesson.

Capturing the Truth

Family Chat

Take a few moments, as a family, and review the lesson. Quiz your parents on the lesson to see what they know and teach them what you've learned.
We all need direction and guidance in our lives as well as a place to feel safe and blessed, just like the Israelites! Talk with your parents about the rules in life that you have to follow. Think about rules at home, rules at school, rules at work, etc.
Pray together: Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us your Commandments, and thank you for helping us to be better, the way you created us to be! Lord, rules are sometimes hard to follow, but you show us your love and mercy when you forgive us. Continue to help us be better both as individuals and as a family to follow your Commandments. Amen.

Daily Spiritual Rhythms Challenge

Breath prayers.