This is what the Lord says,
"See, I am doing a New Thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness  and streams in the wasteland.”  
Isaiah 43:19

Igniting people to follow Jesus with an every day faith.

NewThing is a church community where people of all generations are coming together to...

  • meet Jesus and sync with His heart
  • develop spiritual rhythms for the daily journey
  • experience authentic community
  • be spurred on to live generously and serve those in need
  • see homes and communities (locally and globally) transformed with the love, joy, and living hope of the Gospel!
Come with your questions. 
Come with your doubts.
Come just as you are.

Jesus wants to meet you right where you are 
with His love and grace!

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I AM...the Resurrection and the Life
Easter Message - March 31, 2024
"Never 'If'"
September 15, 2024

Worship Gatherings

Sundays at 10:00am, Concordia Preparatory School